Saturday, February 16, 2013

History Channel

     What the hell is going on with the History Channel. When did the hillbillies take over. Didn't know that 300 shows in a row of hillbilly hand fishing, Ice Road Trucking, Alligator Hunting & Pawn Shops was history. At least Discovery Channel has American Guns with Paige Wyatt I can watch her all day long. Does anyone agree with me or are you all mesmerized by the suspense of the next alligator catch. Show me someone getting an arm ripped off by the gator and I'll watch. Why are the uneducated taking over the networks, is there really that many more people in our society that dropped out of elementary school. Is pre scripted produced reality television of backwoods hillbillies the best we can do.

     I remember it well…the day way back in 1995 when I learned that A&E Networks were going to launch the History Channel. I was about as excited as a history guy could be. Back in those days, they actually had some shows that dealt with history. Not the deeply analytical kind you can find rocketing out of the hallowed halls of academia, but history nonetheless.
   What happened? Heading over to the History Channel website, here is what I see. Swamp People, Full Metal Jousting, Pawn Stars, Pickers, Restorers, and a lot of other “reality” type shows (appealing to the lowest common denominator) that deal more with people who “wrastle” alligators than with any topics of historical interest. And for the cherry on top – you can always watch America’s favorite insipid pinhead, Larry the Cable Guy. His show…Only in America features moose kissing and various other asinine activities that apparently only take place here in the good ‘ole US of A. No wonder the rest of the world thinks we are idiots.

     I challenge the History Channel to air something of historical value. It doesn't have to be heavy-handed academics – just history. Or…maybe it would just be better if you changed your name to something else. 
They should just change it to the Hillbilly Network (Can still use the H logo). 

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