Saturday, July 21, 2012

Proud To Be American

     Has anyone seen the Facebook page Proud to be an American? I get the feed and some of it is good stuff, but unfortunately, it is being hijacked by a bunch of racist ignorant morons. When did being proud to be American mean you had to hate everybody for no reason other than there being different than you, your redneck preacher, and your inbred cousins. When did it become anti-American to be cultured or educated or to speak a language other than English? How has our country lost its founding principle of freedom and equality for all? As for myself, I believe it is fear of ignorance to anything different, In the big cities of our country we have learned to embrace differences, which is why we thrive. Oh and by the way everyone in the Western Hemisphere are Americans, that includes 37 countries, with a population of 953,565,000. Their official languages are English, Spanish, French, Italian, Irish, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Swedish & the list goes on, and let's not forget the 100's of native languages of the First Americans that have been here for the last 10,000 years.
    The more you know about other cultures and the more multi-lingual you become the more successful you will be in a global marketplace and make no mistake we now live in a global marketplace. So for all of those who choose to hold on to their idea of Utopia as being a white English-speaking Christian-only world, don't be upset as the rest of us pass you by and incidentally as far
 as I know there are no true Americans we are all immigrants. First, the Native Indians who immigrated from Asia came here around 10,000+ years ago, then Eric The Red a Viking who sailed to Greenland over 1,000 years ago, then a Venetian who sailed for the Spanish crown came 500 years ago, then the French, Portuguese, English, Dutch, Germans, Italians, Africans (who by the way didn't come by choice) and everyone else who is here came. 
    The United States is a melting pot of every culture in the world have you ever heard "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, and I lift my lamp beside the golden door!", probably not since most of you rednecks drop out of elementary school, but it's written inside the Statue of Liberty, which by the way came from France. So do me a favor you racist white supremacist inbred uneducated backwoods right-wingers, shove the barrel of your assault rifle where the sun doesn't shine, pull the trigger, and do us all a solid......

By the way here is a demographic the largest portion of the population of ancestry by county across the United States. This is not by total population, only each county. Please note how many United States Counties are of majority White English Algo Saxon Background. Not so many huh? Guess you best learn another language, get an education, get yourself a valuable skill set, stop being an ignorant backwoods moron, or just shut the hell up!

In case you can't read the legend I added it here and it's in order from the largest population to the smallest

  • 1. German
  • 2. African American 
  • 3. Irish 
  • 4. Mexican
  • 5. English
  • 6. Italian - White
  • 7. Polish
  • 8. French
  • 9. Dutch
  • 10. Norwegian
  •  11. Puerto Rican
  • 12. Chinese
  • 13. Philipino
  • 14. Local Native
  • 15. Cuban
  •  16. Portugues
  • 17. Japanese
  • 18.  Navajo
  • 19. Cherokee
  •  20. Sioux
  •  21. Chippewa

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